Dec 31, 2006

It's Almost the End of 2006 But Fashion Blazes On

Oh it's almost the end of the year and as sad as it is, it has been an interesting year and one that has us looking forward to what new items will be on the catwalk! So of course as many of you know, I run a lot of fashion blogs but this one always holds a special place so over the next few days I will be posting various runway shows and I have also obtained passes to attend a variety of events that will give you guys some interesting items to read on here and of course I encourage you to visit my other blogs to see what's going on over there as well!

This post turns to Polish designer Maciej Zien who presented her dramatic designs in Warsaw, Poland December 19th. Isn't it nice to know that as many of us bustled through the streets or online looking for our gifts - runways were still being accessed as designers placed their visions on them? Maciej is a new designer to me but I love the designs below!

There is something very old world about this ensemble and yet there is a supreme sexiness to it as well. I love that it's see through while not seriously revealing any opportunity for a wardrobe malfunction!

I must say that of the three designs pictured here, this one is my favorite by far and yes I could see a wardrobe malfunction here but I love the color and tone of this. There are many ways to wear this into real way versus runway. A cute lace cami would be a way to wear this as you're out and about. Pair this with some beaded shoes and super short shorts - very South Beach and sexy!

The "Lady in Red" is a great movie and there is something about wearing the color that people turn heads. Anytime you play with symmetry that can also work in your favor as well. This dress is perfect for a night out, a gala or any event that you feel the need to be noticed!

CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

Dec 19, 2006

Fashion is Not Just Secluded to Runways and Showrooms

I love to bring the runways of the world to the Blogosphere. There is something about creativity and seeing how designers interpret what they see into something else. At the same time, I find myself wondering about the source or the beginnings of the fashions that we now currently wear in different translations. This has encouraged me to want to visit older cities and to see this fashion sense exude from the very architecture that surrounds you. Today I learned about Bath which is apart of Britain. From what I have gethered from this interesting site, it is a place where Jane Austin frequented (I would consider her a style icon). In addition, at the American Museam starting this Spring (since this space is only open during portions of the season), it has an exhibit entitled American Heiress to Peeress in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. This exhibit shows how women in America came to be apart of the Bath experience including Jennie Jerome Churchill - Lady Randolph Churchill (Churchill's mother) and Consuelo Vanderbilt - Dutchess of Marlborough. Although you can see these iconic women via their writings and drawings, there is a portion that shows Nicole Kidman and Uma Thurman wearing their gowns. This is how fashion truly jumps and reflects its place in history. I have always wanted to go and see period clothing in these preserved cities; however, now that I know of a location - I truly have a destination. For those that may go in groups or may not be interested in the fashion side, there's a lot of tours you can take to see the bustling city. I think Bath is a great place to start venturing. Take a moment to visit the site to see what Bath and related cities have to offer in Britain as travel destinations and of course you can see many fashionable items from the past and today.
CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

Bells Ringing in A Distance

I love the holidays, it allows you to relax a little more and to catch up with friends and family. At the same time, it makes you think of fabulous things that you want to bring into the Spring. One of my very good friends is getting married which is exciting and I am hoping to help her plan a fabulous Spring Wedding and to do a little blogging about it within a new blog that will be officially launched during the spring! Although the focus of the blog is about resorts and the nightlife and day to day activities that surrounds it - a wedding in this locale begs to be shared on here as well! I have never planned a wedding; however, I have started compiling some resources and being an Internet person, I found a great site, Party Pop that lets you have a little less stress by being able to get items such as cards, souvenirs and more! Even if you opt to get all your necessities on a variety of sites or in physical stores, it's nice to start seeing your options in a relaxing environment to begin setting your parameters, prices and more. Party Pop seemed to be a great place to start especially since I am only helping as a planner. Even if you're not planning a wedding, it's also a great site for any occasion that you might be interested in celebrating - it could be a Margarita party among a few friends as you showcase your own line in a mini fashion show - check out the site and pass it on to friends that may need a little assistance.
CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

Dec 12, 2006

Around the Community ...

Take some time to look at the new video footage partnership that is going on with Style Patch. If you don't have a lot of time, that's ok. These videos tend to be about 3 mins or so and they let you know what's going on from trends, to who's wearing them and how you can wear them as well. So you will see this to the right and you'll want to check back so that you can see all the new episodes.

I also want you to check out See Pretty Things since I am constantly posting on there about new accessories and there us a giveaway today from Style who sells fabulous jewelry that you will never want to get anywhere else. You can also enjoy 20% off your purchases for the rest of the month from them as well - the gift that keeps on giving.
CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

Nan Kempner: American Chic @ The Met

Amazing things are going on all over this blog and others that I am associated with. Although See Pretty Things has many posts on there, I can never be without Kitten Couture Blog for too long, it's the original and what lead the way to all the things that I write about. In that vein, when you think about classics and what leads the way, I have amazing pictures from the Nan Kempner: American Chic event at the Met that were taken and attended by Julie of Coutorture! I love being apart of this network to either be apart of fun events such as Lucky Shops (had fun bulking up my closets at a discounted price) or simply getting great footage of an event.

At this event, there were a variety of pieces exhibited that reflected many of our classic designers and I must say that it's breathtaking and I would have loved to see this in person during this event! For more pictures, take a click on the title link to see more items!

This amazing piece by Valentino is absolutely stunning and gives "lady in red" an entirely new meaning. Although in my normal day to day activities I would be a tad overdressed in this ensemble, we all could imagine wearing something like this to a special launch or fabulous gala.

This YSL dress reminds me of something that is geisha related. I love learning about these women and something I learned was that in Japanese culture, they felt that seeing the lower arm pouring tea or seeing their neck area was something of a sensual element. I think that this idea relates to this dress. I love that it is a sweeping dress and that this neck detail is delicate and yet very sexy.

I love the idea behind this outfit. I love the dress and the sheer cape. Another fabulous YSL ensemble and the color is so rich that anyone would look regal wearing this. Seeing these pieces and the statements that they make inspires you as you design. I think regardless of what we design or purchase, we want to wear something that makes a statement about what we are or where we are going. This exhibit has so many of these looks that it's fun to take a few moments and check it out!

CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

Dec 4, 2006

The East Meets the West & You Win

Happy December guys. I am definately finalizing my lists of what I want and want to give to others. I love this time of year and seeing the looks on people's faces when you know that you are making someone look even more fabulous. So we have a great giveaway going during our 25 Days of Holiday Glam! We will have giveaways and discounts provided throughout the month. Simply look at today's date (December 4th) and click on the link to answer the question. The directions are on the site and we definately want to make sure that you guys have something fab for you or for someone else. So why do I love this bag? Kathy Van Zeeland makes a great bag that's functional and a lot of fun. There are details that are so cute like the little prints on the accessory bags. I also love her site and her little Spokespuppies as well. Check it out and make sure to enter today to win that bag!

PS: If you love a little style check out the video feed on the right side of the page (Star Style TV - you'll see what everyone is wearing and what it is)

CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
CEO ~ Sikara Designs Group
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

Dec 3, 2006

25 Days of Holiday Glam Begins!!

Everyday for the month of December, you have the opportunity to win a fabulously free item OR to get a discount on something that you must have from many of our participating boutiques and designers. We thought that this would be a great way to say thank you for those that are apart of the network of blogs (Kitten Couture Blog, See Pretty Things) and clothing line Kitten Couture. Check in daily as new designers will continue to be added by visiting the 25 Days of Holiday Glam. Today there is a beautiful necklace being given away by Peachy B Designs. Just answer a simple question and email your responses to the email address provided. All the info is on the page!

CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
CEO ~ Sikara Designs Group
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin