Mar 22, 2004

When is it Too Much?

Upon talking with a friend of a friend I was struck by the amount of advice that people enjoy dishing out. Somehow everyone is able to see your "soon to be pitfalls" and how you are already heading down a disastorous path. I always adhered to the thought that if you have had previous relationships that you didn't like and found a common pattern, you should change them. So after three previous relationships with less then desirable outcomes, I decided to make a series of tweaks. I was pleased that being the new "mature" me that I wrote a list of qualities that I liked and didn't like to help me in my quest. I even attemtped to realistically look at what part I played in the relationships end. So armed with these new ideas I felt very adult like until -

So there I was hanging out and chatting up this friend of a friend. "That's cool how you're ok with your bf going out and all," he says. Of course I thought of this like a mini badge - l had definately matured. Unti I learned that there were 10 rules in a relationship and in my effort to be relaxed, non controlling and very laid back - I had already botched these most coveted rules. However, before I started rethinking my new relationship tactics - I realized that this guy could not be considered a guru - he too had endured his share of drama and he currently felt the need to avoid any form of relationships. At least I was attempting to move on and find my way through adult relationships.

Which is when I wondered, why is it necessary to be a self proclaimed guru and if you become one shouldn't your record reflect recognizing previous mistakes, an interest in rectifying it and evidence where you are actually changing it? Is that such a difficult request? I am certainly not a guru and am always willing to throw my 2 cents worth in but I tend to like to have something back up my statements. But then again it is always easy to point out the errors of others. Maybe this is a random rant but one that shouldbe given out. We have all had friends or people we know do this off and on.

I don't believe that there are 'rules' although there are parameters that should be followed in the realm of relationships. Outside of that relationships tend to be like fingerprints - a lot of them are unique and can't be compared very easily. All you can go on your instincts. At the same time, know that most people are well meaning and provide their "advice" as a means to assist you; however, it is so easy to allow those comments to whisper in your ear and allow you to erode the foundation of your relationship. I suggest that mentally you sift through the information and weigh it against what you believe to be true. For me, I let all the questions that used to pop into my mind when people would "suggest" how I should handle my business recede. There are a lot of gurus but I'll take my chances and remain optimstic about what is in the future for myself and my cutie ;-)
Founder Sikara Magazine & Sikara Designs

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