Apr 17, 2005

Temps are Rising

Nothing is better then the first day of flip flop season and when you can shed your coat for items that are much lighter than what we've been sporting as of late! So yesterday, for all the soccer fans, we had our second game which was another draw. But it was warmer and sunnier (not to say that there wasn't a chill running through us - but no complaints in comparisson to last game). I was able to walk to congressman (please don't ask me who) with a fellow Metro Girl to kick the first ball. It was a lot of fun and we could see ourselves on the HUGE screen. We even made a human tunnel for the players when they got on the field. I can say with all surety that our duties will be even more fun when the weather co-operates with our assigned agendas. I also must say that I love the fans. It is so much fun to sign autographs and see cute little girls and boys get super siked when we sign something for them. Especially those that have come to the last home games because it wasn't the warmest of weathers. I know that all of the team has been talking about how much they love hanging out in the fans stand cheering, learning more about everything and just being in this super charged environment. Outside of the world of sports --

I went to a very cool lounge this weekend, Libation with my boyfriend which was a lot of fun because we could casually sit, dance and just enjoy one another's company. It seemed like all week had been running from one casting call and design event to another. Once again not complaining because being busy is always good but you respect the times when you don't have to be! Also it helps that you can temporarily get away from it all with a day at the park, some yummie foods from a corner vendor (which seems to taste the best when it is warmer). I don't know if I added this in a previous post but, I have become the dating editor of Big Apple Style so people somehow have come to love my advice and now they will have another place to find it. As far as the line goes, we are still putting together a kick ass event for Fashion Week and trying to find the best venue for it. So if those of you are promoters let me know and I would love to hear your ideas. I believe that that's about it but I wanted to check in and say hello. For those in NYC and in NJ, we have a Friday game for the Metro Stars as Giant Stadium so that's on the 22nd and I hope that it will be super warm. I will be going to Vegas for a few days and will have to report back on that one for everyone. Also towards the end of this month, I hope to have great news of somewhere else that you can catch me as well :)

Much Love

Founder & Designer SDG~Kitten
Exec Producer & Hostess ~ Kitten Lounge

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