Dec 19, 2006

Fashion is Not Just Secluded to Runways and Showrooms

I love to bring the runways of the world to the Blogosphere. There is something about creativity and seeing how designers interpret what they see into something else. At the same time, I find myself wondering about the source or the beginnings of the fashions that we now currently wear in different translations. This has encouraged me to want to visit older cities and to see this fashion sense exude from the very architecture that surrounds you. Today I learned about Bath which is apart of Britain. From what I have gethered from this interesting site, it is a place where Jane Austin frequented (I would consider her a style icon). In addition, at the American Museam starting this Spring (since this space is only open during portions of the season), it has an exhibit entitled American Heiress to Peeress in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. This exhibit shows how women in America came to be apart of the Bath experience including Jennie Jerome Churchill - Lady Randolph Churchill (Churchill's mother) and Consuelo Vanderbilt - Dutchess of Marlborough. Although you can see these iconic women via their writings and drawings, there is a portion that shows Nicole Kidman and Uma Thurman wearing their gowns. This is how fashion truly jumps and reflects its place in history. I have always wanted to go and see period clothing in these preserved cities; however, now that I know of a location - I truly have a destination. For those that may go in groups or may not be interested in the fashion side, there's a lot of tours you can take to see the bustling city. I think Bath is a great place to start venturing. Take a moment to visit the site to see what Bath and related cities have to offer in Britain as travel destinations and of course you can see many fashionable items from the past and today.
CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
NY Editor ~ Pubcrawlin

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