Jewel Garner, Miss Barbados 2007, definitely brought elements of the island into her outfit selection. You can never go wrong with a cute bathing suit and sarong. Of course fresh flowers are a perfect touch as well. I love the use of color and how the flowers tie back into her overall theme - great choice!

Sorangel Matos, Miss Panama 2007, used a variety of feathers and metallic tones to compliment her neutral palate. It's definitely an exotic outfit and one with a lot of elements in it to create the overall look.

Honey Lee, Miss Korea 2007, went with a traditional style of dress. The hat is super cute.

Rachel Smit, Miss USA 2007, brings Sexy Back with a tribute to music and namely Elvis. I love that the guitar has the red, white and blue. Also I love the sunglasses - what a great touch. It's definitely interesting and begs the question that if you were the stylist asked to come up with an outfit that described the USA, what would you envision? I would love to see some posts on this. I am definitely getting my thinking cap on for this one. Post away though and let me know what you would have chosen.

Finally Anna Theresa Licaro, MIss Phillippines 2007, wears an interesting dress that's vibrant in colors and I love the face mask with the plummage on it.
CEO/Designer ~ Kitten Couture
Editor ~ See Pretty Things
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