Feb 8, 2005

One More Thing!!!

There will be pics within the next blogs which I'm siked about so don't fret about not seeing anything on my blog just yet. I thought I would add that as a side note.

Finally, the Kitten Lounge started its new season so you will hear the best of alternative rock, r&b and much much more. We will be covering a lot of great bands and attending the venues - you can also check out various shows that are in the NYC area by visiting the main website. As you know, the Kitten Lounge merges the best in fashion and entertainment. Make sure you check out first Wed's to hear from our contributing Style Guru, Dori, from Big Apple Style. In March, she will be recapping on her experiences during Feb's Fashion Week and other information.

Much Love,

Founder & Designer SDG~Kitten

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